Local Wisdom And Educational Values In The Kayan Oral Epic Takna’ Lawe‘.


Local Wisdom and Educational Values in The Kayan Oral Epic Takna’ Lawe‘.



Title : 
Local Wisdom and Educational Values in The Kayan Oral Epic Takna’ Lawe‘.

Author : 
Albert Rufinus, Zahir bin Ahmad and Yaacob Harun

The Takna Lawe is a set of long epic poems (7057 verses as published, over 45,000 lines) about love and heroism, part of the mythology of the Kayan community. The Takna Lawe embodies local values whose meaning and function can be absorbed through educational practices. The poems could provide advantageous learning materials for school-based or local curricula. In the epic, there are rich signs or symbols, verbal and non-verbal, that are worth exploring for such purposes. For example, the main character, Lawe’, is a hero who often fights for love of his community, showing his loyalty by protecting his people, and his strength by his success in destroying his enemies. This paper discusses the relationship between representative signs or symbols in the poem and the forms of wisdom worth practising in the community, in school settings and in family life. I analyse this relationship through description and analysis based on Peirce’s triadic modes in semiotics, the triad being sign-object-meaning: ideas in words, sentences, and verses ofthe poem are viewed as signs [representamen), which stand for their referents {object), as referents stand for meanings {interpretani). I conclude that such meanings are local community (ethnic) wisdom which can be interpreted as useful values: educational values.


How to cite:
Albert Rufinus et. all (2015). Local Wisdom and Educational Values in The Kayan Oral Epic Takna’ Lawe‘. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXV (96) : 71-96

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