Sarawak Museum (Old Building)


The clearing of the proposed site for the Sarawak Museum started in March 1889. The foundation works started later that year. The building was constructed on high ground to make it visible from both directions of the nearby road. It was the first museum in Borneo.

The museum building cost $22,480 and was generally regarded as the finest building in Sarawak. The official opening to the public by Rajah Charles Brooke was on 4th August 1891. 

The exhibition space of this building was expanded to its current design in 1911. This building is also known as the Old Building.



Temporary Closed

Closed to public since 23rd October 2017. 
Will be open to public until further notice.
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Copyright © 2021 Sarawak Museum Department
Last Updated On 24 Mar 2025

Operating Hours (Main Office)

Monday - Thursday
8.00am to 1.00pm & 2.00pm to 5.00pm

8.00am to 11.45pm & 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday
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