About The Journal

The Sarawak Museum Journal
ISSN 0375-3050
eISSN 3036-0188
©Sarawak Museum Publishers


The Sarawak Museum Journal is devoted to the advancement of knowledge in the natural and human sciences. It publishes articles pertaining to the Asian region in general, but particularly to Borneo and Sarawak. Generally, it will accept manuscripts from international scientists, but specifically it serves the need of local scientists especially those working with, and through the Sarawak Museum; to publish their research findings and to provide a forum for their scholastic discourse.

As the Sarawak Museum is a Government Department in the State of Sarawak, it should be clearly understood that responsibility for facts and opinion rests exclusively with authors of signed articles, and their writings do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of the Sarawak Museum, or that of the State Government of Sarawak.

The Sarawak Museum Journal was first published in 1911, making it one of the world's oldest publications in the region.

In the introduction of its inaugural issue in 1911, the editor/curator J.C. Moulton, stated its ambition "First, then, let us consider the object of our birth - 'For the promotion of scientific knowledge and study of the Natives and Natural History of the Island of Borneo' - and make that our excuse". Since then, it has survived, sometimes perilously, for a long 88 years in the 20th century and has grown to be known by scholars, particularly those on Borneo, all over the world. The journal has succeeded in bringing many scholars to Sarawak and other parts of Borneo and made the Sarawak Museum a truly field and research museum. The journal was the main outlet for the publication of research and field notes. The Sarawak Museum Journal is published annually.

Free of charge to submit and publish.


Any enquiries and related matter pertaining to articles should be address to: 


Sarawak Museum Journal 

Sarawak Museum Department

Annex Building, P. Ramlee Road, 

Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. 

Email: museum@sarawak.gov.my 

Tel HQ: +6082-548181 

Fax: +082-548281 / 548282


Submit the manuscript here:  https://forms.gle/BV5ZWsPVi7fJsYje6


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Last Updated: 20 December 2024

Copyright © 2021 Sarawak Museum Department
Last Updated On 20 Dec 2024

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