Sumatran Hornbills In Fragmented Forest Areas In Oil Pam Plantation In South Solok, West Sumatra


Sumatran Hornbills in Fragmented Forest Areas in Oil Pam Plantation in South Solok, West Sumatra



Title : 
Sumatran Hornbills in Fragmented Forest Areas in Oil Pam Plantation in South Solok, West Sumatra

Author : 
Fernando Dharma, Wilson Novarino and Jabang Nurdin

A study on hornbill populations in fragmented forest areas within oil palm plantations in Tidar Kerinci Agung (TKA) Company, West Sumatra was carried out from July to August 2015 in 60 Hectare fragmented forest areas. The objective of this study was to document hornbill species richness using the transect method on three main lines along two km and using call recognition for population census of hornbill. During the study, we recorded 82 individuals of eight species after 60 km walk. We encountered using two methods (Sighting and Calls Methods); Anorrhinus galeritus twenty-one encounters, Berenicornis comatus single encounter, Rhabdotorrhinus corrugatus two encounters, Rhyticeros undulatus two encounters, Anthracoceros malayanus sixteen encounters, Anthracoceros albirostris seven encounters, Buceros rhinoceros thirty-one encounters and two encounters of Rhinoplax vigil.


How to cite:
Fernando Dharma et. all (2018). Sumatran Hornbills in Fragmented Forest Areas in Oil Pam Plantation in South Solok, West Sumatra. Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXIX (100) : 159-166

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