Notes on The Giant Gouramy, Osphronemus septemfasciatus Roberts, 1992 (Perciformes: Osphronemidae) from Batang Kanowit in Sarawak, Malaysia.



Title : 
Notes on The Giant Gouramy, Osphronemus septemfasciatus Roberts, 1992 (Perciformes: Osphronemidae) from Batang Kanowit in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Author : 
Jongkar G. and Nyanti L.

This article is the first attempt to document the presence of the giant gouramy, Osphronemus septemfasciatus, from Batang Kanowit, Sarawak, Malaysia. The weight of the specimen was 20.5kg, and the estimated standard and total length was 724mm and 872mm respectively. This appears to be the largest individual of the species recorded. This article also highlighted the importance of Batang Kanowit as a fishing ground for the local communities living along the river. Existing and potential threats to aquatic life in Batang Kanowit are discussed and conservation significance of the river is emphasised.


How to cite:
Jongkar G. and Nyanti L. (2012). Notes on The Giant Gouramy, Osphronemus septemfasciatus Roberts, 1992 (Perciformes: Osphronemidae) from Batang Kanowit in Sarawak, Malaysia. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXX (91): 239-254

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