Preliminary Studies on The Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Coconut Shells at Asajaya, Sarawak.



Title : 
Preliminary Studies on The Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Coconut Shells at Asajaya, Sarawak.

Author : 
Siew Fui Wong, Ichiro Miyagi, Takao Okazawa, Takako Toma and Moi Ung Leh

Mosquito larvae were collected from coconut shells in a coconut farm in Asajaya, Samarahan, Sarawak between May and September, 2011. Seven species were identified from the total of 572 individuals collected in the coconut shells. Species belonging to the genus Armigeres are the most common mosquitoes in the coconut shells. The air temperature and humidity at the coconut farm were recorded while COD (chemical oxygen demand), pH values and water temperature of each coconut shell were also measured. There is high COD in the coconut shells in the first three months and the mosquito immatures appeared when the COD level dropped. The COD value relates to the occurrence of the mosquitoes.


How to cite:
Siew Fui Wong et al. (2012). Preliminary Studies on The Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Coconut Shells at Asajaya, Sarawak. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXX (91): 227-238

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