Voices of the young members of the Rakan Muda programmes: A study in Kuching,Sarawak



Title : 
Voices of The Young Members of The Rakan Muda Programme: A Study in Kuching, Sarawak.

Author : 
Kamsiah Ali

The young generation in Malaysia is said to act in opposition to the dominant beliefs, attitudes and practices of the JL majority of the population, and this is seen as a form of resistance to the values of society (Ministry of Youth and Sport, 1995: 3-13). The lives and interests of the young people, however, including their friendships and relationships have been shown to developas a part of complex social changes and are not necessarily associated with or related to any conscious desire to oppose the dominant values of society (New Straits Times: 5/3/1997, p. 6; New Straits Times: 7/3/1997, p. 6; New Straits Times: 27/2/1997, p. 8). Young people seek solutions to problems that concern them in their immediate world. Their access to knowledge, power and their opportunity to develop life skills will influence how they perceive themselves, their world and its problems, and the solutions that are available to them. As a person’s knowledge about their options for self-development expands, their perceptions of the world will also differ. These lead to questions like what leads young people, particularly those who have experienced social, economic and educational disadvantage,to see greater possibilities for themselves in the world. What will help young people solve their problems in productive and socially useful ways?


How to cite:
Kamsiah Ali. (2007). Voices of The Young Members of The Rakan Muda Programme: A Study in Kuching, Sarawak. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXIV (85): 133-164

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