Chapter Five: Analysing Health And Education


Chapter Five: Analysing Health and Education



Title : 
Chapter Five: Analysing Health and Education

Author : 
Joseph Ko Tee Hock

Chapter Five presents two important aspects of any socioeconomic studies, i.e. health and education. The health study refers specifically to dental health of Sarawak school children in Simanggang and Miri between August 1960 andMay1971.Analysis were made of dental caries by sex, age groups, ethnicity and geographical areas. Included also is a methodological study on the collection and usage of fertility and mortality statistics; reviewed are the vital registration system, direct approaches, multi-round survey and indirect techniques. Chapter five ends with a study on concept, rate and trend of literacy in Sarawak, analyses between 1947 and 1980 by ethnic group, strata, age-group, sex and compared with Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah.


How to cite:
Joseph Ko Tee Hock. (2017). Chapter Five: Analysing Health and Education. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXVII (98) : 213-265

  1. Data Collection and Estimation of Fertility and Mortality in Malaysia
  2. Cho, L.J., J.A. Palmore and L. Saunders (1968), ‘Recent Fertility Trends in West Malaysia’ Demography, Vol.V, No.2.
  3. Cho, L.J., (1969), Estimates of Fertility for West Malaysia, 1957 - 1967, Research Paper No.3, Department of Statistics, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
  4. Committee on Population and Demography, (1981), Collecting Data for the Estimation of Fertility and Mortality, Report No.6, National Academy Press, Washington D.C.
  5. Feeney, G. (1976) ‘Estimating Infant Mortality Rates from Child Survivorship Data by Age of Mother’, Asia and Pacific Census Newsletter, Vol.3, No.2: 12- 16 East-West Population Institute, Honolulu.
  6. Haaga, J. (1981) ‘Validity and Reliability of Retrospective Data from the Malaysian Family Life Survey’, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America.
  7. Hirshman, C. and E. Tan (1971), Evaluation of Mortality Data in the Vital Statistics of West Malaysia, Research Paper No.5, Department of Statistics, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
  8. Kwok, K.K. (1980), ‘Trends and Differentials in Infant Mortality in Malaysia’, presented at the WHO/ESCAP meeting on Mortality in Asia, 1 to 5 December 1980, Manila.
  9. Masitah Mohd. Yatim (1982), Evaluation of the Malaysian Fertility and Family Survey 1974, World Fertility Survey.
  10. Masitah Mohd. Yatim (1982), Evaluation of the Malaysian Fertility and Family Survey 1974, World Fertility Survey.
  11. Normah Mohd. Aris (1977), ‘Report on Method and Some Evaluative Aspects in Estimating Fertility from 1970 Census Data, Peninsular Malaysia’, Unpublished paper, Department of Statistics, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
  12. Palmore, J.A., (1978), Regression Estimates of Changes in Fertility, 1955-60 to 1965-75 for Most Major Nations and Territories, Papers of the East-West Population Institute No.58, East-West Center Honolulu.
  13. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (1980), Review of Demographic Sample Surveys in Asia and The Pacific, 1970-79, prepared by R.Leete, ST/ESCAP/135, Bangkok.
  14. U.S. Bureau of the Census (1979), Malaysia, Country Demographic Profiles, ISP-DP-22, Washington D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office.
  15. Improvements in the Level of Literacy in Sarawak: A Historical Review, 1947 -1980
  16. C.A. Anderson and M.J. Bowman, “Concerning the Role of Education in Development” in Old Societies and New States: The Great for Modernity. C. Greeitz (ed), Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press. 1963.
  17. D.A. Mendez and E.B. Waisanem, “Some Correlates of Functional Literacy” Paper presented at the Nineth Congress of the Inter-American Society of Psychologist, Miami, 1964.
  18. Mark Blaug, “Literacy and Economic Development”, School Review, 74, Winter 1966.
  19. E.M. Rogers and W. Herzog, “Functions Literacy Among Columbian Peasants” Economic Development and Cultural change XIV, No. 2, January, 1966.
  20. J.T. Okedara, “Cost-Benefit Analysis of Formal and non-Formal Education: A Case Study”. Ibadan, University of Ibadan Publishing House, Nigeria, 1981.
  21. UNESCO, The Experimental World Literacy Programme: A Critical Assessment. Paris: The UNESCO Press, UNDP, 1976. P. 122.
  22. A.H. Charnley and H.A. Jones. The Concept of Success in Adult Literacy, Huntington Publishers, Cambridge, 1979, P.8.
  23. A.H. Nasution, From Traditional to Functional Literacy and Development Ibadan Institute of Adult Education, University of Ibadan, 1971.
  24. World Population, 1983, US. Dept, of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C., December 1983, PP 575-576.
  25. R. Chander, 1970 Population and Housing Census, Vol. 1, Basic Population Tables, Part XIII- Sarawak, Dept, of Statistics, Kuala Lumpur, January, 1976, Table 2.9, P.153 and Table 2.11, P.195.
  26. J.T. Okedara, Concepts and Measurements of Literacy, Semi-Literacy and Illiteracy, Ibadan Literacy Series No. 1, Ibadan University Press, Publishing House, Nigeria, 1981. Chapter 1.
  27. L.W. Jones, Report on the Census of Population Taken on 15.6.1960, G.P.O., Sarawak, Jan., 1962, P.75.
  28. R. Chander Op. Cit. P.7.
  29. Mid-Term Review ofthe Fourth Malaysia Plan, 1981-1985, National Printing Dept., Kuala Lumpur, March, 1984, P. 348 Para 842.




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