Chapter Four: Studying Urban Poverty



Title : 
Chapter Four: Studying Urban Poverty

Author : 
Joseph Ko Tee Hock

This relatively longer chapter identifies and reviews the seven aspects of poverty, its socioeconomic objectives, and methods and problems of quantifying the poverty concept. Included also in this chapter is a more focused analysis on urban poverty in Sarawak to meet both income and welfare objectives of helping the targeted population, especially the squatters’ settlements.


How to cite:
Joseph Ko Tee Hock. (2017). Chapter Four: Studying Urban Poverty. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXVII (98) : 147-212

  1. Methods and Problems of Studying Poverty in Sarawak
  2. Ahluwala, M.S. 1976. “Inequality, Poverty and Development”, Journal of Development Economics, 3, North-Holland Publishing Co., PP307-342.
  3. Alamgir, M. 1974. “Some Analysis of Distribution of Income, Consumption, Saving and Poverty in Bangladesh”, The Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. II, No. 4, October.
  4. Ali,Anuwar. 1978. A Note on Poverty Eradication During the Third Malaysia Plan, Occasional Papers of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysian, No. 6, March.
  5. Anand, S. 1973. The Size Distribution of Income in Malaysia, Mimeographed, Development Research Centre, IBRD.
  6. Annual Statistical Bulletin, Sarawak (various issues between 1972 and 1984), Department of Statistics Malaysia, Sarawak Branch, Kuching.
  7. Ballance, R.C. and Gunn, R.A. 1984. “Drinking-water and Sanitation Projects: Criteria for resource allocation”, WHO Chronicle, 39(6), PP243-248.
  8. Christoffersen, L. E., 1978. “The Bank and Rural Poverty”, Finance and Development, Vol. 15 No.4, December Issue, PP18-22.
  9. Fourth Malaysia Plan, 1981-1985(1981), National Printing Department, Kuala Lumpur.
  10. Institute Tadbiran Awam Negara. 1980. ‘Negara Kita’, Kuala Lumpur, Bab. 8, P154.
  11. Khoo Teik Huat. 1983a. General Report of the Population Census, Volume 1, 1980 Population and Housing Census of Malaysia, Dept, of Statistics, Kuala Lumpur.
  12. …… 1983b. State Population Report, Sarawak, Parts 1 and 2, 1980 Population and Housing Census of Malaysia, Dept, of Statistics, Kuala Lumpur.
  13. Ko Tee Hock. 1983. Patterns and problems of migration analysis in Sarawak, 1960-1970, Dissertation for Ph.D (Econs. & Stats.), Colombia Pacific University, Microfilmed (Reg. No. LD00813), with abstract in Quarterly Research Abstracts, Sept. Issue, 1985, University Micro-films International, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  14. …… 1984. “Improvements in the level of literacy in Sarawak: A Historical Review, 1947 - 1980. Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CX, No. 1485, Third Quarter Issue, October, PP3-11.
  15. …… 1985a. “A Note on Unemployment in Sarawak”, Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CXI, No. 1491, First Quarter Issue, October PP4-10.
  16. Krausse, G.H. 1982. “Themes in Poverty: Economics, Education, Amenities, and Social Functions in Jakarta Kampungs”, Southeast Asian Journal of Social Service, Vol. 10, No. 2.
  17. Lim, David. 1982. “Malaysian Development Planning”, Pacific Affairs, Vol. 55, No. 4, Winter, PP613-639.
  18. Lim, L. L. 1974. The Pattern of Income Distribution in West Malaysia, 1957- 70, World Employment Programmes Research (Working Paper), Geneva: International Labour Office.
  19. …… 1978. Income Distribution, Employment and Poverty in the Process of Economic Growth in West Malaysia, 1957-1970, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Malaya.
  20. Mid-Term Review of the Fourth Malaysia Plan, 1981-85 (1984): National Printing Dept., Kuala Lumpur, March.
  21. Monthly Consumer Price Index for Sarawak (various issues between 1971 and 1986), Dept, of Statistics Malaysia, Sarawak Branch, Kuching.
  22. Mujahid, G.B.S. 1977. “Measurement of Poverty in Bangladesh: A Note on Methodology”, The Quarterly Journal of The Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Vol. V, No. 4, October.
  23. Orshansky, M. 1965. “Counting the Poor: Another Look at the Poverty Profile”, Social Security Bulletin, January, U.S.
  24. Oshima, H.T. 1970. “Income Inequality and Economic Growth: The Postwar Experience of Asian Countries”, The Malayan Economic Review, No. 2, Oct., PP7-37.
  25. …… 1977. Some Notes on Refining and Estimating Poverty Levels, Mimeographed, University of Philippines, Manila.
  26. Owens, Edgar. 1972. “Rural Development and Reducing Poverty”, Manpower: Promoting Employment and Reducing Poverty, Proceedings of the Executive Seminar on Employment Growth, Nov. 1 - Nov. 17, 1971, Prepared by U.S. Dept, of Labour, Manpower Administration, International Manpower Institute, PP20-35.
  27. Preliminary Figures of External Trade, Oct. 1985, Department of Statistics Malaysia, Sarawak Branch, Kuching, Jan. 1986.
  28. Ragayah, M. Z. and Shari, I. 1978. “Some Aspects of Income Inequality in Peninsular Malaysia, 1957 - 1970”, in Income Distribution by Sectors and Over-Time in East and Southeast Asian Countries, edited by Oshime, H.T. and Mizoguchi, T., Quezon City, Council for Asian Manpower Studies.
  29. Rein, M. 1970. “Problems in the Definition and Measurement of Poverty” in The Concept of Poverty edited by Townsend, P. London: Heinemann Press.
  30. Shari, Ishak. 1979. “Estimation of Poverty Line and the Incidence of Poverty in Peninsular Malaysia, 1973”, The Philippines Economic Journal, No. 42, Vol XVIII, No. 4, PP418-449.
  31. Snodgrass, D.R. 1975. “Trends and Patterns in Malaysian Income Distribution, 1957-70”, in Readings of Malaysian Economic Development, edited by Lim, David, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press.
  32. …… 1980. Inequality and Economic Development in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press.
  33. Smolensky, E. 1996. “Investment in the Education of the Poor: A Pessimistic Report”, American Economic Review, Supplement LV.
  34. Townsend, P. and Abel-Smith. 1965. The Poor and the Poorest, London, G. Bell and Sons.
  35. Webb, Richard. 1976. On the Statistical Mapping of Urban Poverty and Employment, IRBD, Staff Working Paper No. 227, January.
  36. World Bank Paper on Rural Electrification. Oct. 1975.
  37. Abrams, Charles. (1964): Man’s Struggle for Shelter in an Urbanizing World. Cambridge (Mass.): M.I.T.
  38. Adelman I. and Morris C.T. (1973): Economic Growth and Social Equality in Developing Countries, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
  39. Ahluwalia, M.S. (1976): “Inequality, Poverty and Development”, Journal of Development Economics, 3, North-Holland Publishing Co., PP307-342.
  40. Alamgir, M. (1974): “Some Analysis of Distribution of Income, Consumption, Saving and Poverty in Bangladesh”. The Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. II, No. 4; October.
  41. Ali, Anuwar (1978): A Note on Poverty Eradication During the Third Malaysia Plan, Occasional Papers of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, No. 6, March.
  42. Anand, S. (1973): The Size Distribution of Income in Malaysia, Mimeographed, Development Research Centre, IBRD.
  43. Armstrong, W.R. and McGee, T.G. (1968): “Revolutionary Change and the Third World City: Theory of Urban Involution”. Civilizations 18, 3: 353-378.
  44. Ballance, R.C. and Gunn, R.A. (1984): “Drinking-water and Sanitation Projects: Criteria for resource allocation”, WHO Chronicle, 38(6), PP243- 248.
  45. Bintulu Development Authority or BDA (1988): Preliminary Report on Household Income Survey in BDA Study Area; Research and Planning Section, BDA (Unpublished).
  46. Buick, Barbara, (1975): Squatter Settlements in Developing Countries: a Bibliography. Canberra: Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.
  47. Burchanan, Ian., (1967): “Economic Underdevelopment and the Problem of the Squatter Slum: a Theoretical Approach”. Journal Geographs (Geographical Society, Universiti Malaya), 3, PP 52-59.
  48. Chander, R, Fernandez, D.Z., Mat, R.O. (1974): Housing Needs in Peninsular Malaysia (1970-1990). Department of Statistics Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, March.
  49. Chia, P.C. (1981): Report on The Survey of Squatters in Miri and Lutong, Land and Survey Department, Sarawak, April.
  50. Christoffersen, L.E. (1978) “The Bank and Rural Poverty”, Finance and Development, Vol. 15 No. 4 December Issue, PP18-22.
  51. Clinard, Marshal Baron. (1966): Slums and Community Development: Experiments in Self-help. New York: Free Press.
  52. Dwyer, D.J. (1976): People and Housing in Third World Cities: Perspective on the Problems of Spontaneous Settlements, London: Longman.
  53. Family Budget Survey in Urban Areas, Sarawak, 1967-1968, Department of Statistics, Sarawak Branch, Kuching, 1971.
  54. Fifth Malaysia 1986-1990 (1986), National Printing Dept., K.L.
  55. Fourth Malaysia Plan, 1981-1985 (1981), National Printing Dept., K.L.
  56. Fox, Robert (1975): Trends in Urban Population Growth in Latin America, Washington, D.C., Inter-American Development Bank.
  57. Gibbons, D.S., Mat, R.O., and Fernandez, D.Z. (1974): Housing Quality and Current Housing Needs in Peninsular Malaysia, 1970, Department of Statistics Malaysia, K.L. April.
  58. Harrington M (1963): The Other America: Poverty in the U.S., Macmillan, New York.
  59. Household Expenditure Survey, 1973, Malaysia, Department of Statistics, Malaysia, K.L.
  60. Johnstone, Michael A. (1979): Access to Urban Housing in Peninsular Malaysia: Social and Spatial Distortions in a Peripheral Economy. Australian National University, Ph.D. thesis.
  61. Khoo Teik Huat (1983) General Report of the Population Census, Volume 1, 1980 Population and Housing Census of Malaysia, Dept, of Statistics, Kuala Lumpur.
  62. …… (1983) State Population Report, Sarawak, Parts 1 and 2, 1980 Population and Housing Census of Malaysia, Dept, of Statistics, Kuala Lumpur.
  63. Ko Tee Hock (1983): Patterns and Problems of Migration Analysis in Sarawak, 1960-1970, Dissertation for Ph.D. (Econs. & Stats.), Colombia Pacific University, Microfilmed (Reg. No. LD00813), with abstract in Quarterly Research Abstracts, Sept. Issue, 1985, University Micro-films International, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  64. …… (1973) ‘Dental Epidemiological Survey of Sarawak School Children,’ co-authored with Dr. K.S. Yim and S.M. Loh, Dental Journal Malaysia-Singapore, Vol. 13, No. 1, May.
  65. …… (Data Collection and Estimation of Fertility and Mortality in Malaysia, Paper presented at the 14th Summer Seminar in Population, East-West Population Institute and the National Family Planning Board, Malaysia, 30th May to 1st July, 1983 (co-authored K.K. Kwok).
  66. …… (1984): ‘Improvements in the level of literacy in Sarawak’ in Sarawak Gazette Vol. CX, No. 1485, Third Quarter Issue, October, Nat’ Printing Dept., Kuching, Malaysia, PP3-11.
  67. …… (1985): ‘A Note on Unemployment in Sarawak’ in Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CX, No. 1491 First Quarter Issue, April, Nat’l Printing Dept., Kuching, Sarawak, PP4-10.
  68. …… (1985): ‘A Note on Unemployment in Sarawak’ in Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CXI, No. 1493, Third Quarter Issue, October, PP4-11.
  69. …… (1985) ‘Iban on the Move: an empirical analysis’, Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CXI, No. 1494, Fourth Quarter Issue, December, PP5-21.
  70. …… (1985) ‘Iban on the Move: an empirical analysis’, Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CXI, No. 1494, Fourth Quarter Issue, December, PP5-21.
  71. …… (1986): Socioeconomic Indicators of Life: A Methodological Study, Working Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Seminar on ‘Population and Quality of Life,’ organised by the Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, 14th-17th April.
  72. …… (1986): ‘Regional Growth of Population in Sarawak, 1947-1980,’ Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CXII, No. 1496, Second Quarter Issue, July, PP21-30.
  73. …… (1986): ‘Employment of Females in Sarawak, 1970-1980,’ Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CXII. No. 1497, Third Quarter Issue, Sept., PP20-28.
  74. …… (1986): ‘Chinese Dialect Groups in Sarawak: Composition and Growth between 1947 and 1983,’ Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CXII, No. 1498, Fourth Quarter Issue, Dec., PP8-16.
  75. …… (1986): ‘Changing Patterns of Sub-national Ethnic Distribution in Sarawak, 1939-1980, ‘Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol. XXXVI, No. 57 (New Series), December, Issued by the Museum, Kuching, Sarawak.
  76. …… (1987): ‘Methods and Problems of Studying Poverty in Sarawak’, Borneo Research Bulletin Vol.19, No. 1, April Issue, Virginia, U.S.A., PP 15-46.
  77. …… (1987): ‘Internal migration in Sarawak, 1981-1983, Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CXII, No. 1499, First Quarter Issue, April, PP4-7. Also presented at Seminar on “Current Issues in Labour Migration in Malaysia” jointly organised in August, 1987 by Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Econs. And Admin., Uni. Of Malaya and the National Union of Plantation Workers.
  78. …… (1987): ‘Measuring and Analyzing Divorce Data in Sarawak’, Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CXIII, No. 1500, Second Quarter Issue, July, PP8-14.
  79. …… (1987): ‘Minor Indigenous Groups in Sarawak’, Sarawak Gazette, Vol. CXIII, No. 1501, Third Quarter Issue, Sept., PP31-35.
  80. …… A Socioeconomic Study of the Iban Today, a seminar paper presented at the Workshop on Iban in Society, 27th to 30th June 1988, Kapit, Sarawak.
  81. Krauss, G.H. (1982): “Themes in Poverty: Economics, Education, Amenities, and Social Functions in Jakarta Kampungs”, Southeast Asian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 2.
  82. Leacock, E.B. (Ed) (1971): The Culture of Poverty: A Critique, New York, Simon and Schuster.
  83. Lewis, Oscar (1968): A Study of Slum Culture, New York, Random House.
  84. Lim, David (1982): “Malaysian Development Planning”, Pacific Affairs, Vol. 55, No. 4, Winter, PP 613-639.
  85. Lim, L.L. (1974): The Pattern of Income Distribution in West Malaysia, 1957-1970, World Employment Programme Research (Working Paper), Geneva: International Labour Office.
  86. …… (1978): Income Distribution, Employment and Poverty in the Process of Economic Growth in West Malaysia, 1957-1970, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Malaya.
  87. McGee, Terence Gary, (1986): Slums and Squatters in Southeast Asia. Development Digest, 6(3), July, PP59-64.
  88. Mid-Term Review of the Fourth Malaysia Plan, 1981-1985 (1984): National Printing Dept., Kuala Lumpur, March.
  89. Mid-Term Review of the Fifth Malaysia Plan, 1986-1990 (1989): National Printing Dept., Kuala Lumpur.
  90. Monthly Consumer Price Index for Sarawak (various issues between 1973 and 1988), Dept, of Statistics Malaysia, Sarawak Branch, Kuching.
  91. Mujahid, G.B.S. (1977): “Measurement of Poverty in Bangladesh: A Note on Methodology”, The Quarterly Journal of The Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Vol. V, No.4, October.
  92. Orshansky, M. (1965): “Counting the Poor: Another Look at the Poverty Profile”, Social Security Bulletin, January, U. S.
  93. Oshima, H.T. (1970): “Income Inequality and Economic Growth: The Postwar Experience of Asian Countries”, The Malayan Economic Review, No. 2, Oct., PP7-37.
  94. …… (1977): Some Notes on Refining and Estimating Poverty Levels, Mimeographed, University of Philippines, Manila.
  95. Othamn, W.H. (1983): “Perspective of the Squatter Phenomenon”, Development Forum, Vol XIII, No. 1 June, PP1-21.
  96. Pryor, Robin (1968): Defining the Rural-Urban Fringe, Social Forces, Vol 47, Dec., PP202-215.
  97. Ragayah, M. Z. and Shaari, I (1978): “Some Aspects of Income Inequality in Peninsular Malaysia, 1957 - 1970”, in Income Distribution by Sectors and Over Time in East and Southeast Asian Countries, edited by Oshima, H. T. and Mizoguchi, T., Quezon City, Council for Asian Manpower Studies.
  98. Rein, M. (1970): “Problems in the Definition and Measurement of Poverty” in The Concept of Poverty edited by Townsend, P. London: Heinemann Press.
  99. Report of the Household Expenditure Survey in Peninsular Malaysia (1980), Sabah and Sarawak (1982), Dept, of Statistics Malaysia, K.L., June, 1986.
  100. Rodman, H., (1963): “The Lower Class Value Stretch” Social Forces, 42, No. 2 (December), 205-215.
  101. Schwartz, A.J. (1975): A Further Look At “Culture of Poverty”, Sociology and Social Research, Vol. 59, No. 4, July, University at Southern California, L.A.
  102. SERU (1989): Socioeconomic Study of Squatter Settlements in Bintulu, Prime Minister’s Dept., K.L. (Unpublished).
  103. Shaari, Ishak (1979): “Estimation of Poverty Lines and the Incidence of Poverty in Peninsular Malaysia, 1973”, The Philippines Economic Journal, No. 42, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, PP 18-449.
  104. Smolensky, E. (1966): “Investment in the Education of the Poor: A Pessimistic Report”, American Economic Review, Supplement LV.
  105. Snodgrass, D. R. (1975): “Trends and Patterns in Malaysia Income Distribution,1957-1970”, in Readings on Malaysian Economic Development, edited by Lim, David, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press.
  106. Standing, Guy, (1982): Labour Force Participation and Development, ILO, Geneva.
  107. Townsend, P. and Abel-Smith (1965): The Poor and the Poorest, London, G. Bell and Sons.
  108. UNESCO, (1976): The Use of Socioeconomic Indicators in Development Planning, Paris.
  109. …… (1981): Planning Methods and the Human Environment, Paris.
  110. …… (1981): Socioeconomic Indicators for Planning, Paris.
  111. …… (1983): Quality of Life: Problems of Assessment and Measurement, Paris.
  112. …… (1984): Applicability of indicators of Socioeconomic Change for Development Planning, Paris.
  113. United Nations (1971): Improvement of Slums and Squatter Settlements. ST/TAO/Ser. C.124. New York: United Nations Secretariat.
  114. United Nations (1973): World Housing Survey - Report of the Secretary General, E/C. 6/129-1973.
  115. US Dept, of Commerce/Bureau of the Census (1983): World Population.
  116. Webb, Richard. (1976): On the Statistical Mapping of Urban Poverty and Employment, IBRD, Staff Working Paper No. 227, January.
  117. Wee C.H., Wong M.N., Suhaimi R. (1989): Multi-dimensional Aspects of Poverty and Their Linkages Amongst Squatters in Kg. Stutong Baru, Tabuan Jaya, Kuching, ITM, Kuching (Unpublished).
  118. Wee K.P. (1981): Squatters in Kuching: A Case Study on Attap Pah Squatters Settlement From Socioeconomic and Demographic Aspects, Dept, of Sciences, University of Malaya.




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