Chapter Three: Ethnic Distribution Of Population


Chapter Three: Ethnic Distribution of Population



Title : 
Chapter Three: Ethnic Distribution of Population

Author : 
Joseph Ko Tee Hock

This chapter starts by exploring the different sources of population data from 1939 to 1980, the limitations and problems of inter-temporal comparisons, and changing patterns of population distribution. These are then followed by a socio-economic study of three ethnic groups in Sarawak, i.e. Iban, Minor Indigenous groups, and Chinese dialectic groups.


How to cite:
Joseph Ko Tee Hock. (2017). Chapter Three: Ethnic Distribution of Population. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXVII (98) : 87-146

  1. Changing Patterns of Sub-national Ethnic Distribution in Sarawak, 1939 - 1980
  2. J.L. Noakes, A Report on The 1947 Population Census, Gov’t Printer, Kuching, 1950.
  3. L.W. Jones, Sarawak Report on the Census of Population, Taken on 15th June, 1960, Gov’t Printing Office, Kuching, Jan., 1962.
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