Chapter One: Sarawak Population And Migration


Chapter One: Sarawak Population and Migration



Title : 
Chapter One: Sarawak Population and Migration

Author : 
Joseph Ko Tee Hock

This journal opens with Chapter One focusing on the methods, issues and problems of analysing the temporal, spatial and growth of Sarawak population between 1947 and 1980 at the divisional and district levels. The uneven distribution and growth of population is both a cause and consequence of shifting population settlements through migration between districts and urban or rural areas. Details on this internal migration, especially its patterns and migrant characteristics are subsequently elaborated in the chapter which ends with a case study of Iban on the move by using the 1980 population and housing census data.


How to cite:
Joseph Ko Tee Hock. (2017). Chapter One: Sarawak Population and Migration. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXVII (98) : 1-52

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