Edgar Otto Titzck, a German Overseas Busnessman in Sandakan, North Borneo (1908-1913)



Title : 
Edgar Otto Titzck, a German Overseas Busnessman in Sandakan, North Borneo (1908-1913)

Author : 
Volker Schult.

“British North Borneo is an absolutely splendid country. Completely idiotically uncultivated and not even five steps behind our house the pure jungle starts.”(27 April 1908) “My commercial activity extends from grocers’ apprentice to bank director and I can really tell you that I am completely happy here in the land of the monkeys. In the morning when the gent arrives at his office, a choir of Chinese is already waiting for him. The Tuan comes as agent and everybody bows [...]” (2April 1908) These are extracts from Edgar Otto Titzck’s first letters written in Sandakan in April 1908 and sent to his family and friends in Germany.He describes his life full of enthusiasm; a young man in the colonial tropics behaving in the typical way of a colonial master. Born on 24 March 1886 in Hamburg, he arrived at the age of 22 in Sandakan, working as an overseas businessman for Behn, Meyer & Co., owned by Arnold Otto Meyer of Hamburg.


How to cite:
Volker Schult. (2011). Edgar Otto Titzck, a German Overseas Busnessman in Sandakan, North Borneo (1908-1913) The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXVIII (89): 201-206

  1. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Hamburg Nachlass Titzck, Edgar [Otto]: Überseekaufmann 1886-1938 Letter Books I-III
  2. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Hamburg Nachlass Titzck, Edgar [Otto]: Überseekaufmann 1886-1938 Letter Books I-III
  3. Helfferich, Emil. 1967. Zur Geschichte der Firmen Behn, Meyer & Co. und Arnold Otto Meyer. Vol. 2. Hamburg: Hans Christians Verlag.




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