Americans in Colonial Sarawak: A Little History.



Title : 
Americans in Colonial Sarawak: A Little History.

Author : 
A. Baer

When Sarawak was under foreign control, not all palefaced strangers were British. Among the lesser invaders were a few Americans.These men came to Borneo for specific purposes. During the 1850s the purpose for Joseph Balestier was to extend American political and economic influence in Southeast Asia. The purpose for both William Hornaday and William Abbott was exploitation and exportation of natural history, or, as they saw it, the purpose was to serve science in the United States. The late nineteenth-century purpose for William Furness was to explore Borneo cultures, but after 1900 he became, instead, a promoter for rich Americans who backed a failed scheme to make high-grade rubber from forestjelutong in Sarawak. After World War I, Victor Heiser visited Sarawak to encourage health improvement in the country. Toward the end of another world war, Americans were involved in the Allied offensives against the Japanese on Borneo. American Christian missionaries also arrived over the years with their own agenda, and they provided some practical benefits. Whatever the intention of sundry Americans in Sarawak, they shared two ideas with their European cousins: that they had a right to travel where they chose and that the United States had a right to play a major role in the world.


How to cite:
A. Baer. (2011). Americans in Colonial Sarawak: A Little History. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXVIII (89): 183-200

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