Short Notes on the Hatch Rates of Green Turtle Eggs at Satang Besar and Talang Besar Turtle Islands in Sarawak.



Title : 
Short Notes on the Hatch Rates of Green Turtle Eggs at Satang Besar and Talang Besar Turtle Islands in Sarawak.

Author : 
Wong Siew Fui and Leh Moi Ung

A total of 32 egg clutches comprising 3,249 green turtle eggs were replanted at Satang Besar and Talang Besar turtle islands in south-west Sarawak in August 2012 and March-April 2013. Each clutch of egg is divided into half and replanted in the sand beach hatchery of each island at nest bottom depth of 62 cm. The hatch rates of green turtle eggs increased successfully at both turtle islands from 55%-73% to 70%- 100%. There were two nests (SM042 and SM046) out of the 32 nests replanted that have very low hatch rates of 5.1% and 43.8%.


How to cite:
Wong Sie Fui and Leh Moi Ung. (2016). Short Notes on the Hatch Rates of Green Turtle Eggs at Satang Besar and Talang Besar Turtle Islands in Sarawak. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXVI (97) : 205-218

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