Alfred Russel Wallace’s Assistants, And Other Helpers, In The Malay Archipelago 1854-62.


Alfred Russel Wallace’s Assistants, and Other Helpers, in The Malay Archipelago 1854-62.



Title : 
Alfred Russel Wallace’s Assistants, and Other Helpers, in The Malay Archipelago 1854-62.

Author : 
Earl of Cranbrook and Adrian G. Marshall

In the centennial year of his death on 7 November 1913, Alfred Russel Wallace (henceforth ARW) has been commemorated as co-originator of the theory of evolution by natural selection (Wallace 1855d, Darwin & Wallace 1858, Wallace 1870). Also recognised are his wider contributions to biological theory, in zoogeography (Wallace 1876), especially reflecting the selective influence of the tropical environment (Wallace 1878) and the consequences of isolation (Wallace 1880), and animal coloration and mimicry (Wallace 1867, 1879)^ A formative influence on his thoughts in all these fields was his experience of eight years (1854-62) as a naturalist-collector in island South-east Asia. His account of these eastern travels, best known under its short title The Malay Archipelago (henceforth MA), was published in 1869 and has never since been out-of-print. Reflecting on his career in old age, ARW declared that the years spent in the Malay Archipelago ‘constituted the central and controlling incident of my life’ (Wallace 1905 i: 336).


How to cite:
Earl of Cranbrook and Adrian G. Marshall. (2014). Alfred Russel Wallace’s Assistants, and Other Helpers, in The Malay Archipelago 1854-62. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXIII (94) : 73-122

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