Faunal Remains From Gua Tupak, Bau, Sarawak


Faunal remains from Gua Tupak, Bau, Sarawak



Title : 
Faunal remains from Gua Tupak, Bau, Sarawak

Author : 
Nicholas Gani, Stephen Chia and Velat Bujeng

In February and March 2008, archaeological excavations were conducted at Gua Tupak, Bau, Sarawak by a team of researchers from the Centre for Global Archaeological Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang and the Sarawak Museum Department, Kuching. The excavations, which were conducted at Gua Tupak’s main cave area and a nearby rockshelter area, recovered various types of artefacts which consist of predominantly of shell remains and animal bones as well as earthenwares, stonewares and stone artefacts (Gani et ai, 2009). Radiocarbon dates obtained from the excavations suggests that the rock shelter area was occupied at around1,190± 40B.P.,while the faunal remains and other cultural deposits at the main cave area have been dated between 270 ± 50 B.P and 170 ± 40 B.P. (Gani et al., 2009; Gani, 2010).


How to cite:
Nicholas Gani et. all (2013). Faunal Remains from Gua Tupak, Bau, Sarawak. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXI (92) : 123-168

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