Understanding The Rock Art Of Kalimantan


Understanding the rock art of Kalimantan



Title : 
Understanding the rock art of Kalimantan

Author : 
Achmad Sopandi Hasan

The Kalimantan prehistoric karst is a beautiful hilly natural landscape with a potential for archaeological heritage in the form of exotic rock art. The trail of prehistoric civilisation located in Marang and Betung Karihun comprised of hand paintings, human figures, and animal figures drawn in red paint and charcoal. This paper reports the discovery of rockart of Kalimantan. The result is a very creative art with ancient motifs, the transformation of ideas onto cave walls, and the production of unique design that captures the essence of rock art. This paper will also look at current issues and challenges of ancient cultural heritage for visual art which must be appreciated as an educational effort to teach the public about the patterns and functions of rockart.


How to cite:
Achmad Sopandi Hasan. (2013). Understanding The Rock Art of Kalimantan. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXI (92) : 105-122

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