Ali The Cook And "Peter” The Collector: Two Wallace Helpers In His Last Sarawak Days


Ali the cook and "Peter” the collector: Two Wallace helpers in his last Sarawak days



Title : 
Ali the cook and "Peter” the collector: Two Wallace helpers in his last Sarawak days

Author : 
Gerrell M. Drawhorn

Alfred Russel Wallace's last month or so in Sarawak required him to replace his personal servant and cook, Charles Allen, who had announced he would not be accompanying Wallace further on his travels. It appears that Allen's replacement, Ali, had previously been a servant/cook in the employ of Spenser St. John who accompanied Wallace up to Peninjau, Rajah James Brooke's cottage on Gunong Serambo. As well, at this time, Wallace attempted to quickly fill out his ornithological and mammalian collections by purchasing specimens from a collector simply identified as "Peter" This individual can now be identified as Joseph "Peter" Middleton, the Chief Constable of Kuching.


How to cite:
Gerrell M. Drawhorn. (2017). Ali the cook and "Peter” the collector: Two Wallace helpers in his last Sarawak days. Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXVIII (99): 139-156

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