The 'Forgotten Hemingway' Of Sarawak's Literary Borderlands: Rediscovering The Prolific Literart Oeuvre Of Ranee Sylvia Brooke


The 'Forgotten Hemingway' of Sarawak's Literary Borderlands: Rediscovering the Prolific Literart Oeuvre of Ranee Sylvia Brooke



Title : 
The 'Forgotten Hemingway' of Sarawak's Literary Borderlands: Rediscovering the Prolific Literart Oeuvre of Ranee Sylvia Brooke

Author : 
Barry Scott Zellen

In recent years, while conducting research on the role of crossborder indigenous homelands in world politics – the topic of a multiyear research project funded by the Kone Foundation of Helsinki in 2016 and 2017, and the topic of my other paper presented at this year’s BRC conference – I’ve become intrigued, and later fascinated, and for a time completely obsessed, by the largely-forgotten literary contributions of Sarawak’s second and final Ranee, Lady Sylvia Brooke (née Brett), who occupied a unique vantage point in the literary borderland of British Southeast Asia with her dual role as a member of Sarawak’s ruling dynasty while at the same time serving as a vocal champion of those marginalised and dispossessed by British colonialism.


How to cite:
Barry Scott Zellen (2018). The ‘Forgetten Hemingway’ of Sarawak’s Literary Borderlands: Rediscovering The Prolific Literary Oeuvre of Ranee Sylvia Brooke. Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXX (101): 55-70

  1. Eade Philip. Sylvia, Queen of the Headhunters: An Outrageous Englishwoman and Her Lost Kingdom (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2007) and Sylvia, Queen of the Headhunters: An Eccentric Englishwoman and Her Lost Kingdom (London: Picador, 2014).
  2. Ibid., 95. Eade notes Sylvia’s brother described her as a “female Iago.”
  3. Alan L. McLeod, “Sylvia Brooke, Pioneer Malaysian Feminist Writer,” Commonwealth 22-1, 55–63.
  4. WorldCat is a union catalogue that itemises the collections of 72,000 libraries in 170 countries and territories that participate in the Online Computer Library Center global cooperative, and is at
  5. Eade, Op. Cit.
  6. Khairie Hisyam Aliman, “Did Sarawakians Fly a Colonial Flag on July 22?”, Malay Mail, July 31, 2015, a-colonial-flag-on-july-22; the official S4S Facebook page is at: https://www. For a darker perspective, see Sanib Said, “Brookes in Sarawak: One Hundred Years of Tribal Killings,”,
  7. See Brooke, Sylvia. Queen of the Head Hunters: The Autobiography of H.H. the Hon. Sylvia Lady Brooke, Ranee of Sarawak (London: Sidgwik and Jackson, 1970) in addition to Eade, Op. Cit.
  8. Brooke, Sylvia. Toys (London: John Murray, 1923).
  9. Her plays include The Heels of Pleasure (1932), The Merry Matrons (1935) and Persecuted Parents (1935); novels of the English aristocracy include: The Darlingtons (1950) and Headwind House (1953).




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