The old Odonata (Insecta) collection of the Sarawak Museum



Title : 
The old Odonata (Insecta) collection of the Sarawak Museum

Author : 
Rory A. Dow & Jennifer R. Morris

The old Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) collection of the Sarawak Museum has been examined and re-identified. An annotated list of the species and specimens present in the collection is given, along with remarks about the locations where they were collected. A total of 378 specimens are present in the collection, 356 of which are from or assumed to be from Sarawak, the remaining 22 specimens are from Sabah (all from Mount Kinabalu). In total, at least 89 species are represented in the collection, however the condition (or sex in some cases) of approximately 15% of the specimens precludes definite identification to species. The collection includes the holotype of Orchithemis xanthosoma Laidlaw, 1911, one of the syntypes of Pseudagrionoptera diotima Ris, 1912 and paratypes of Podolestes harrissoni Lieftinck, 1953 and Ictinogomphus acutus (Laidlaw, 1914). Other significant material includes the only specimen of Euphaea ameeka van Tol & Norma-Rashid, 1995 known from Limbang Division, the only specimen of Gynacantha bayadera Selys, 1891 from Sarawak and a series of Chlorogomphus specimens.


How to cite:
Rory A. Dow & Jennifer R. Morris (2019). The old Odonata (Insecta) collection of the Sarawak Museum. Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXXI (102): 153-200

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