"Flipped Museum Pattern: An Effective Way To Deeply Integrate Museum Education With Course Teaching



Title : 
“Flipped Museum” Pattern: An Effective Way to Deeply Integrate Museum Education with Course Teaching

Author : 
Aihong Fan , Zihe Xia and Ling Yin

Education is well acknowledged as one of the core missions of university museums. Despite diverse education activities conducted, several problems do exist in practice, such as the lack of combination between the museum and university formal education, unsatisfied results out of traditional museum education approaches, etc. Based on the pedagogical theory of the “flipped classroom”, a new pattern of museum education - “flipped museum” is promoted in the paper, which embeds museum education into classroom teaching as a “knowledge internalisation” link. The concept of “flipped museum” is illustrated in the literature review and further researched in way of the qualitative descriptive case study of four educational activities, focusing on the aspects of feasibility plans, basic characteristics, implementation significance, etc. The four cases are jointly conducted by Tsinghua University Science Museum and the departments in Tsinghua University deriving from the normal curriculum. It is demonstrated that the “flipped museum” pattern can promote the deep integration and mutual benefit between university museums and university classroom teaching, so as to improve the quality of higher education. Hence, during education processes, museum staff turn to be the close partner of teachers, bringing the educational value of museum exhibitions into full play.


How to cite:
Aihong Fan , Zihe Xia and Ling Yin (2022). “Flipped Museum” Pattern: An Effective Way to Deeply Integrate Museum Education with Course Teaching. Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXXV (106): 185-204 https://doi.org/10.61507/SMJ22-2022-765B-09

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