A Checklist Of Butterflies (Order: Lepidoptera) In South-western Sarawak



Title : 
A Checklist of Butterflies (Order: Lepidoptera) in South-Western Sarawak

Author : 
Wong Siew Fui and Tan Siew Hwa

A total of 268 butterfly specimens, 46 species belonging to 27 genera of butterflies in three families, namely Papilionidae, Pieridae and Nymphalidae were recorded from March to October, 2018 in the study. The butterfly species were collected from eight villages in Lundu and Sematan, Sarawak. Aerial nets were used to collect the butterfly species in the residential areas. Nymphalidae with 23 species (50%) under 16 genera represented the most diverse butterfly family from the survey area. The present study was undertaken to create a baseline database of butterfly species in south western Sarawak. Hence, these butterflies were identified and documented as a first guide for future management and conservation of Insecta in this region.


How to cite:
Wong Siew Fui and Tan Siew Hwa (2022). A Checklist of Butterflies (Order: Lepidoptera) in South-Western Sarawak. Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXXV (106): 133-144 https://doi.org/10.61507/TSMJ-2022-8AGT-06

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