Preliminary observations on the use of genus Toxorhynchites larvae in the biological control of mosquitoes



Title : 
Preliminary observations on the use of genus Toxorhynchites larvae in the biological control of mosquitoes

Author : 
Wong Siew Fui, Ichiro Miyagi, Takako Toma and Takao Okazawa

The predatory behaviour of fourth instar Toxorhynchites larvae on the larvae of genus Culex, Armigeres and Aedes were recorded in the experiments. Toxorhynchites splendens was collected from the green mature coconut traps and Toxorhynchites licesteri was collected from the bamboo with holes at the internodes or cut bamboo. In each experiment, two fourth instar Toxorhynchites were used as predators and two preys were observed after every three hours. At the end of the experiments, Tx. splendens and Tx. licesteri showed selective consumption of the genus Culex, Armigeres and Aedes. However, only Tx. licesteri and genus Armigeres species are not significant and randomly consume the preys. Toxorhynchites species can be considered or applied as part of the biological control programme of mosquitoes in general.


How to cite:
Wong Siew Fui et. all (2019). Preliminary observations on the use of genus Toxorhynchites larvae in the biological control of mosquitoes. Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXXII (103): 73-84

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