The Ecole francaise d'Extreme-Orient - Sarawak Museum Department Archaeological Project in Santubong



Title : 
The Ecole Française D'extrême-orient - Sarawak Museum Department Archaeological Project In Santubong

Author : 
Daniel Perret and Mohd. Sherman bin Sauffi

Archaeological research in Sarawak began just after the Second World War under the leadership of Tom Harrisson. As Curator of the Sarawak Museum since 1947, he began exploring the Sarawak River Delta, a 600 km area between Telaga Air in the northwest, Tanjung Sipang in the north, Tanjung Po in the northeast, Samarahan in the southeast and Kampung Makam in the southwest. It is the village of Santubong at the mouth of the Santubong River, one of the branches of the delta, that first caught Harrisson's attention because of observations and chance finds made there since the middle of the nineteenth century. Mention should be made of the famous Batu Gambar, an anthropomorphic sculpture in high relief on a rock at the Sungai Jaong site, rediscovered by a local in the 1880s, and near which was found a "Hindu" terracotta figurine, of carved stones reported at the beginning of the twentieth century on the neighbouring site of Bongkissam, "Indian character" pottery, as well as various objects in gold, Chinese coins and a few residues from ironworking (cf. especially Evans 1929)..


How to cite:
Daniel Perret and Mohd. Sherman bin Sauffi (2019).The Ecole Française D'extrême-orient - Sarawak Museum Department Archaeological Project In Santubong.Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXXII (103): 37-50

  1. Cheng, Te-K'un 1969 Archaeology in Sarawak. Cambridge, W. Heffer & Sons; Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
  2. Christie, J.W. 1988 "Ironworking in Sarawak", in Essays on Iron- and Silver-working in Sarawak, University of Hull, Centre for South-East Asian Studies, Occasional Papers no. 15: 1-28.
  3. Doherty, C., Buckley, R., Gnanaratnam, A., Beavitt, P. and Beawit, W. 2007 "Archaeological Investigations at Sungai Santubong, Kuching, Sarawak," The Sarawak Museum Journal (SMJ), LXIII (84): 65-94.
  4. Evans, LH.N. 1929 "A Comparative Study of Ancient Objects from Sarawak", Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums, 15: 29-33.
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  6. Griswold, A.B.1962 "The Santubong Buddha and its Context," SMJ, X (19-20): 363–371.
  7. Harrisson, T. 1949 "Gold and Indian influences in West Bomeo," Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 22(4): 33-110.
  8. Harrisson, T. & O'Connor J., S.1967 "The Tantric Shrine' excavated at Santubong." SMJ, XV(30/31):201-222.
  9. 1969 Excavations of the Prehistoric Iron Industry in West Borneo. Vol. I. Raw Materials and Industrial Waste. Vol. II. Associated Artifacts and Ideas. Southeast Asia Program Data Paper no. 72. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Department of Asian Studies,.
  10. 1970 Gold and Megalithic Activity in Prehistoric and Recent West Borneo. Southeast Asia Program Data Paper no. 77. Ithaca, NY: Comell University Department of Asian Studies,.
  11. Lamb, A. 1977 "Tom Harrisson and Indian influence in Early Southeast Asia," Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 50(1): 8-13.
  12. O'Connor Jr., S. 1977 "Tom Harrisson and the ancient iron industry of the Sarawak River delta," Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 50(1): 4-7.
  13. Perret, D.; Surachman, H.; Dupoizat, M.F. 2009 "L'évolution spatiale des sites d'habitats de Barus (XIIe s.-XVIIe s.)," in Histoire de Barus-Sumatra. III: Regards sur une place marchande de l'océan Indien (XIIe-milieu du XVIIe s.), D. Perret & H. Surachman éd.. Paris, EFEO/Archipel (cahier d'Archipel 38): 57-80.
  14. Perret, D.; Surachman, H.; Dupoizat, M.F. 2014 "Si Pamutung: Spatial Evolution of Ancient Occupation," in D. Perret & H. Surachman (ed.), History of Padang Lawas, North Sumatra, I. The site of St Pantung (9 century-13 century AD), Paris, Association Archipel, Cahier d'Archipel 42: 159-191.
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  16. Zainie, C. (with T. Harrisson) 1967 "Early Chinese Stonewares Excavated in Sarawak, 1947-1967. A Suggested First Basic Classification." The Sarawak Museum Journal. 15(30-31): 30-90.




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