The Barriers in Collaborative Lingkages Among University-Industry-Policy Entities on Enviromental Matters in Sarawak.



Title : 
The Barriers in Collaborative Lingkages Among University-Industry-Policy Entities on Enviromental Matters in Sarawak.

Author : 
Janice Manyie, Geoferry James Gerusu & Roland Kueh Jui Heng

The relationship and collaboration process between university-industry-policy entities have been the subject of increased interest especially when dealing with environmental matters. Collaboration approach is an effort that unites different entities together in a shared objective. However, there are few challenges or barriers which make it difficult to develop collaboration relationships between entities. Although the linkages are often mentioned about the collaborative linkages among university-industry-policy entities, none has information on the barriers of collaborative linkages especially on environmental matters in Sarawak. Thus, there is a need to identify the barriers and success factors in order to develop successful collaboration. This study addressed the gap through a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative approach where the data were collected from 199 respondents based on a face-to-face interview using structured questionnaires in Sarawak. The study explores the status of collaboration in Sarawak and its barriers. Findings indicated that the collaboration status in Sarawak is still in an infant stage resulting from barriers of collaboration which are lack of funding, private knowledge, lack of commitment, difficult to implement collaboration, weak/lack policies, poor awareness, top management view/support, acceptance of collaboration, bureaucracy and differences in company culture.


How to cite:
Manyie, J. James, J. Gerusu & Heng, R. K.J. (2021).The Barriers in Collaborative Linkages Among University-Industry-Policy Entities on Environmental Matters in Sarawak .The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXXIV (105): 45-58.

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