Conservation Management Plan for Heritage Site in Malaysia: A case study of Brooke Dockyard, Kuching, Sarawak.


Title : 
Conservation Management Plan for Heritage Site in Malaysia: A case study of Brooke Dockyard, Kuching, Sarawak.

Author : 
A Ghafar Ahmad

Conservation Management Plan (CMP) and its implementation is a relatively new practice in the protection and safeguarding of heritage buildings and sites in Malaysia. The CMP is a vital legal document which details out the management strategy for historic assets, heritage sites and significant places; as well as prescribes future use, management, alteration, or repair to retain the significance of heritage buildings and sites. Without proper CMP implementation, gazetted heritage buildings or sites are at risk due to potential development threats that may affect their significant values. This article presents the fundamentals of the CMP as stated under the Malaysian laws, which are the National Heritage Act 2005 (Act 645), State of Penang Heritage Enactment 2011 (Enactment 14) and Sarawak Heritage Ordinance 2019 (Chapter 77). This study involves a qualitative research in examining provisions in the Malaysian heritage laws; as well as reviewing the contents of the CMP of Brooke Dockyard in Kuching, Sarawak as a case study. The study found that all three Malaysia heritage laws have similar provisions in aspects of authority, power, control, management, and designated criteria for heritage property. Specific provisions of the Sarawak Heritage Ordinance 2019 (Chapter 77) laws were found to be fully complied and well documented in the case study of the CMP of Brooke Dockyard. Hence, the CMP of Brooke Dockyard serves as an instrumental tool in safeguarding the significant values of this heritage building prior to its transformation into a maritime museum. The CMP provides guidance to envisage future care and use of Brooke Dockyard including new development proposals within the designated core and buffer zones. The CMP also portrays Brooke Dockyard as one of the significant heritage sites in Sarawak that should be conserved for the benefits of future generations.


How to cite:
Ahmad, A. G. (2021). A Conservation Management Plan for Heritage Sites in Malaysia: A Case Study of Brooke Dockyard, Kuching, Sarawak. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXXIV (105): 25-44.

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