A Glimpse Of Civilian Life In Sarawak Under The Empire Of The Sun


A Glimpse of Civilian Life in Sarawak Under the Empire of the Sun



Title : 
A Glimpse of Civilian Life in Sarawak Under the Empire of the Sun

Author : 
Liap-Teck Ong

Sarawak was occupied by the Japanese Imperial Army for close to four years during World War II. This study aims to paint a picture of civilian life during the Japanese Occupation through an archival analysis of artefacts sourced primarily from civilian sources. This study found the existence of a systematic societal framework that combined elements of the Brooke dynasty and the prevailing Japanese societal structure of the 1940s. This finding is significant as it provides evidence of how Sarawak differed from other territories occupied by the Japanese at the time. This discovery contributes to the wider study of Sarawak’s past during World War II.


How to cite:
Ong, L. T. (2021). A Glimpse of Civilian Life in Sarawak Under the Empire of the Sun. The Sarawak Museum Journal, LXXXIV (105): 1-24.

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